Samuel J. Stokes (1889-1933) - Ragtime Composer (no relation)
I'm known to go down musical rabbit holes from time to time, and this is one of them. I've been asked a couple of times if I am related to the New Orleans ragtime composer Samuel J. Stokes, and I didn't know, so I did a bunch of digging. So far, I have found no family relationship, so it appears that it is just a coincidence that we are both composers with the same first and last name. However, since I think it's pretty neat to dig into music of the past, especially for lesser known composers, I have compiled all of his published works here. Unfortunately, the only known copy of "If You'll Be My Baby Mine," which is held at the library of Tulane University in New Orleans, is missing 2 pages, but I have included the existing partial score here. If anyone out there has a full copy of this piece, please let me know at