Beau the Blue Mouse

A Musical for Young Audiences

Musical Demo Musical Numbers Perusal Materials


Have you ever seen a mouse strong enough to lift a house? No, I haven't either! But that's what they say about Beau the Amazing Blue Mouse. Is it true or just another tall tale about a small mouse?

Beau was born in an old barn on a small farm in Missouri. All of the other barn mice were gray, but Beau was born bright blue! Well, you can probably imagine how the other young mice treated him, except for one. A young mouse named William was tormented by the other young mice because of his enormous buck teeth, until Beau came along and scared them away with impressive martial arts with his tail. The two instantly became friends and decided that it was time to hit the road and move on to find their destiny. When Beau and William happen upon a traveling circus, the ringmaster is so impressed with Beau's bright blue color that he hires him and makes up all kinds of stories about Beau's super-strength, super-speed, and his regular flights to the moon! Well, show business is show business but when Beau's head gets bigger than the big top, William decides it's time for him to hit the road again and move on - this time on his own. Will Beau get himself together and mend his friendship with William? What other interesting characters will they meet out on the open road? Find out in the musical, Beau the Blue Mouse.

Music Demo

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Visit the Sam Stokes Youtube Channel

List of Musical Numbers

1. Growing Up Blue - Narrator
2. William the Wimpy Walrus - Barn Mice
3. Hit the Road and Move On - Beau, William
4. You've Never Scene a Mouse Like Him - Ringmaster, Chorus
5. Hit the Road and Move On (reprise) - William
6. Hit the Road and Move On (reprise) - Beau
7. Where is My Destiny - Beau
8. To Find Your Destiny - Company

Perusal Materials

Beau the Blue Mouse has a cast size of 11 plus optional extras and contains 6 musical numbers that are fun to sing.

Accompaniment options:
Piano only (accompaniment CD also available)
Small pit orchestra - coming soon
Other instrumentation possibilities may be available upon request at no extra cost (with royalty agreement)
Click here for a script sample Click here for a script sample

For information on perusal materials and performance royalties, please contact Sam Stokes.

Click here to view/print the Perusal Agreement

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Samuel Stokes ●

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