An Extraordinary Treasure

A Musical for Young Audiences

Musical Demo Perusal Materials


When three pirates find a mysterious golden egg, their greatest concern is how to divide the loot amongst them. However, they didn't realize that the egg held special significance to a clan of ninjas that will stop at nothing to see its safe return.

Captain Pete, Ugly Joe, and Stubby Bill are three ruthless pirates that have sailed the seven seas, faced countless dangers, and have lived to bicker about the details of the story. When the ninjas Benjiro, Kentaro, and Makoto discover that the pirates have found their mysterious golden egg among their loot, the battle is on. While they are fighting over the egg, the evil pirate Ruthless Rico sweeps in and steals the egg. When an enormous dragon flies overhead screeching for the return of her egg, the pirates and ninjas realize that they must put their differences aside and work together to return the egg to the clan elder.

An Extraordinary Treasure is a play for a cast of 10 (any combination of male and female) and contains one fun musical number.

"Anywhere You Go"

from An Extraordinary Treasure

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Visit the Sam Stokes Youtube Channel

Perusal Materials

Accompaniment options:
Piano only (accompaniment CD also available)
Other instrumentation possibilities may be available upon request at no extra cost (with royalty agreement)
Click here for a script sampleClick here for a script sample

For information on perusal materials and performance royalties, please contact Sam Stokes.

Click here to view/print the Perusal Agreement

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Samuel Stokes ●

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