Vocal Warmups MP3

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Christmas Sheet Music
Sheet Music

1) Vocal Warmup Ascending MP3
Ee Ee Oh Oh Ah Ah Ah

2) Vocal Warmup Descending MP3
Mah Meh Mee Mo Moo

3) Vocal Warmup Ascending MP3
I know, I know, I know, I know

4) Vocal Warmup Descending MP3
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

5) Vocal Warmup Ascending MP3
Ee Oh Ah

6) Vocal Warmup Ascending MP3
Zinga Zinga Zoo, Zinga Zinga Zoo, Zinga Zinga Zoo, Zinga Zinga Zoo, Zinga Zinga Zinga Zinga Zoo

7) Vocal Major Scale Ascending and Descending Solfege MP3
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do

8) Vocal Major Triad Arpeggio Ascending and Descending Solfege MP3
Do Mi So Do So Mi Do

If you find these vocal warmups/choral warmups/singing warmups MP3s useful, please consider making a donation to cover the costs of running this site ($5-10 suggested, any amount appreciated).

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