Monologues and Scenes

These monologues and scenes were written to appeal to a wide audience, so there is no inappropriate language or violence, making them ideal for performers of all ages. The PDF scripts are free to download and read for your drama club or theatre organization. You may perform them if you contact Samuel Stokes at to let me know when and where the performance will take place. Also, I would appreciate if you would make a donation to the upkeep my website at the PayPal link below ($10-25 suggested but any amount is appreciated), and include one of these ads in your program. Enjoy!

free monologues, free duo scenes, free trio scenesfree monologues, free duo scenes, free trio scenes


  1. An Apology - humorous monologue

  2. Bad Hair Day for Bigfoot - humorous monologue

  3. Cat Pics - humorous monologue

  4. A Chicken's Story - humorous monologue

  5. The Concertmaster's Concerto - humorous monologue

  6. Dating Again - dramatic/humorous monologue

  7. An Essay on Lunch - humorous monologue

  8. Extra Steps - humorous monologue

  9. Getting Ready - humorous monologue

  10. It is a Dark Time - humorous monologue

  11. The Missing Cinnamon Doughnut - humorous monologue

  12. Not the Dang Yankees - humorous monologue

  13. The Stolen Food - comedic monologue

  14. The Story of Baby Tabitha - humorous monologue

  15. Too Many Eggs - comedic monologue

  16. Triangle Man - humorous monologue with additional non-speaking role

  17. Turning Over - comedic monologue

  18. Voicemail for my Brother - dramatic monologue


  1. Auditions for KING - 8-person comedy scene

  2. The Big Red Menace - duo comedy scene

  3. Charity for Passive-Aggressive Tendencies - duo comedy scene

  4. Christmas Rocks - trio comedy scene

  5. Color Commentary - duo comedy scene

  6. Everybody's Doing It (for Take Down Tobacco) - flexible cast comedy scene

  7. The Family Business - trio comedy scene

  8. Fly Soup - trio comedy scene

  9. Folger's Coffee Bits - three short duo comedy scenes

  10. Fun Facts about the Alien Invasion - trio comedy scene

  11. Getting Your Exercise at School - duo comedy scene

  12. The Ghost of Christmas Past - trio comedy scene

  13. Goals and Dreams - duo comedy scene

  14. Goyle the Death Eater - duo comedy scene

  15. Gym Membership - duo comedy scene

  16. The Hair-Dye Debacle - duo comedy scene

  17. The Initiation - 4-person comedy scene

  18. John Vandenburg, World Explorer - 5-person comedy scene

  19. Life is Like a Box of Chocolates - 3 short duo comedy scenes

  20. Look Up in the Sky! - 5-person scene

  21. The Magic Word (for Take Down Tobacco) - 5-person scene

  22. The Metal Drummer Boy - duo comedy scene

  23. The Moon-jumping Hoax - duo comedy scene

  24. The New Kid (for Take Down Tobacco) - 3-person scene

  25. The Old Silk Hat - trio comedy scene

  26. Parent-Teacher Conference - trio comedy scene

  27. Pizza's Dominoes - 4-person comedy scene

  28. The Problem With Candy Sticks (for Take Down Tobacco) - flexible cast comedy scene

  29. Rudolph's Revenge - 5-person comedy scene

  30. Spinomenaphine - trio comedy scene

  31. Two Special Snowflakes - duo comedy scene

  32. Timeshare Sales Training - duo comedy scene

  33. Who Wants to Be Healthy? (for Take Down Tobacco) - 7-person scene

  34. Would You Rather... (for Take Down Tobacco) - trio scene


EBENEZER - a musical in one act

Samuel Stokes is also available for commissions to write and compose original musicals.

Compositions/Arrangements Full-Length Musicals Children's Musicals
Piano Performance Musical Resources Home

Contact info:
Samuel Stokes ●