The Humpty Dumpty Mystery

Cast photo of The Humpty Dumpty Mystery at State Fair Community College in Sedalia, Missouri.
Synopsis Musical Demo Musical Numbers Perusal Materials Crime Scene Photo

Cast photo of The Humpty Dumpty Mystery at State Fair Community College in Sedalia, Missouri.

"SFCC Theatre Arts program produced THE HUMPTY DUMPTY MYSTERY November 2005 to an audience of over 4,000. I have been directing and acting in children’s theatre for over 20 years and THE HUMPTY DUMPTY MYSTERY is one of my favorites. The production was tremendously successful and was enjoyed by children of all ages. Sam Stokes has created a great 35 minute play with tremendously fun characters, catchy lyrics, easy to learn music for child or adult actors, lots of opportunities for audience participation, and a great message for everyone. I highly recommend this play."

Eric Yazell
Theatre Arts Program Coordinator
State Fair Community College


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall . . .

We all know the rest of the story . . . or do we? For ages it has seemed that the story ends here – all the king’s horses and men are called on the scene to clean up the enormous pool of yolk, leaving a tidy little open-and-shut case – it was just an accident!

But one gumshoe is not so sure. Detective James Hound interviews the Dumpty family, Schlumpty, Frumpty, and Clumpty, to find possible suspects. He begins his investigation with his top three suspects, Professor Benedict, an eccentric local scientist; Beak “the Sneak,” a former thief that now works for the Stork Delivery Service; and Racky the Raccoon, an evil crime boss. Along with his jumpy sidekick Froggy, Detective James Hound sniffs high and low to find the culprit. Whodunnit? Find out in The Humpty Dumpty Mystery!

The Humpty Dumpty Mystery was premièred by a cast of children at the Center Stage Academy for the Arts in Warrensburg, MO. It was later performed by the theatre department at State Fair Community College by students of college age. It has the versatility of being performable by casts of any age and to be just as enjoyable for the whole family. It contains several songs that are not only fun to sing, but which are also accessible for children and adults. There are 18 speaking roles in the show, but with some doubling it is possible to accommodate a cast size as small as 14.

Music Demo and Slideshow

Visit the Sam Stokes Youtube Channel

Visit the Sam Stokes Youtube Channel

List of Musical Numbers

1. Now the Mystery Has Begun - James Hound
2. Don't Be Afraid - Professor Benedict
3. I Can Change - Beak "the Sneak"
4. You're Messin' With the Wrong Raccoon - Racky the Raccoon, James Hound
5. You Can Change - Company

Perusal Materials

Accompaniment options:
Piano only (accompaniment CD also available)
Other instrumentation possibilities may be available upon request at no extra cost (with royalty agreement)
Click here for a script sample Click here for a script sample

For information on perusal materials and performance royalties, contact Sam Stokes.

Click here to view/print the Perusal Agreement

Free Children's Activity Sheets

The Humpty Dumpty Mystery Characters - Word Search

Crime Scene Photo

Humpty Dumpty - crime scene photo
crime scene photograph - courtesy of all the King's horses and men

"It was a hot, muggy day in the city. The local weather service reported that it was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Boy, were they right! At approximately 2:30PM on Friday, August 23, the body of Humpty-Dumpty was found at the base of the King’s Wall . . . sunny-side up! Minutes later, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men arrived on the scene of the crime . . . to no avail. All efforts to put Humpty Dumpty back together again proved hopeless. Grade A homicide proved all too easy of an escape for the culprit, perhaps over easy."

-Detective James Hound, His Majesty's Canine Police

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