A Tale of Two Heroes

The Adventures of El Matador and Flynn the Swashbuckler

A musical for young audiences by Sam Stokes

Musical Demo Musical Numbers Perusal Materials Photo Gallery


Flynn the Swashbuckler was England’s greatest hero. As far as he was concerned, he was the greatest hero in the world. Then when Princess Zinnia gets captured and taken to the shores of Spain, Flynn meets El Matador, who claims to be a great hero as well. Will they be able to overcome their differences in order to save the Princess from the evil El Toro?

Flynn the Swashbuckler has always been bold and faced danger head on. El Matador has always been clever and waits for just the right moment to strike. As these two heroes are forced to work together, they find that they rely on each other’s strengths to pass the challenges facing them by the Guardian of Strength, a giant dog that enjoys feasting on overzealous heroes; the Guardian of Agility, a giant frog who wears the key to the castle gates around its neck but who is too fast to catch; and the Guardian of Deceit, who does not immediately make himself apparent. With the help of a strange rhyming dwarf, the heroes head to El Toro’s castle to save Princess Zinnia, but in the process the Princess helps them out of a few scrapes as well and teaches the two heroes to work together to save the day.

A Tale of Two Heroes was the winner of the 2006 Theatre for Young Audiences National Playwriting Competition and premièred as part of the Performing Arts Series at the University of Central Missouri in November 2006. It contains 5 musical numbers that are fun and easy to sing and has a cast size of 10.

"Uno Dos Tres"

from A Tale of Two Heroes

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Visit the Sam Stokes Youtube Channel

List of Musical Numbers

1. El Matador's Theme Song - El Matador
2. Flynn's Theme Song - Flynn
3. Uno Dos Tres - Flynn, El Matador
4. I'm Really Mad Now - El Toro
5. Together as One - Zinnia, Flynn, El Matador

Perusal Materials

Accompaniment options:
  • Piano only (accompaniment CD also available)
  • Small pit orchestra - coming soon
  • Other instrumentation possibilities may be available upon request at no extra cost (with royalty agreement)
Click here for a script sample Click here for a script sample

For information on perusal materials and performance royalties, contact Sam Stokes.


Click here to view/print the Perusal Agreement

Photo Gallery

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Contact info:
Samuel Stokes ● Samuelstokes@yahoo.com

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